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9 Amazing Music Marketing Tips For 2021

Marketing is a significant part for any musician's long-term success, and it's always changing! Effective marketers know how to use techniques to connect and convert maximum results -- but the greatest marketers of all time laid the foundation for the strategies and successes of marketers today

Welcome back to our blog, we're glad you could join us. In this article, we're going to go through the top marketing tips for 2021.

This article is part of our series on putting together a marketing plan for your music.

1. Use social media

With Instagram sat at a staggering 1.074 billion users. Social media is one of the best, if not the best way to market your music.

Consistency is the key to building a healthy fanbase.

Try starting small, one post per week, then move on to more when you feel ready.

2. Create a website

A website can be the place where everything can be.

merchandise, tickets and music you have for sale

  • tour dates

  • mailing list sign up

  • links to social media

3. Engaging with your existing fanbase

Your existing fanbase are the ones there from the start. It’s not just about growing your audience, it’s also incredibly important to develop a relationship with your existing fanbase.

a way you can do this is through a mailing list or replying to comments on social media, Whatever makes sense for you and helps your fans feel involved in your music.

4. Collaborate with other artists

Teaming up with other artists means you can introduce each other to your audiences, which is of course mutually beneficial. The ‘collab’ doesn’t have to be with a top artist… it can be a friend or an artist you admire who’s slightly further ahead in their career (or even slightly behind). Whoever or wherever they are, they will have a different audience to you, and it’s a really effective way to grow yours whilst feeling good about helping someone else out.

5. Have a mailing list

A mailing list is going to be made up of people who are more likely to be your super-fans, even more so than people who visit your website. A mailing list means that they're locked in for the long run.

7. Create non-music content

There's more to you than just your music, you may have other hobbies, posting about those, and ‘non-musical content can help get that across.

8. Put together an EPK

Like a musical CV, this helps people (particularly those you pitch your music to) get an understanding of who you are very quickly.

9. Plan for the long-term

Most of the time, it doesn’t happen overnight. Plan for 3-5 years of consistently putting out music, playing shows and so on before you start to get traction.

But never give up on your passion.

We appreciate you stopping by. We hope that the tips above help you with building your music marketing plan.

Till next time :)

GloryGang Records

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