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We Are Taking Over Bristol Record Labels!

Hello you wonderful people. Welcome back to the blog! It's lovely to be writing again! We hope you're all well!

Let's get into this weeks topic..

As it's 2020 and the digital era in upon us. Record label's and record shops are slowly going our of business and companies like ours are coming into business. As covered in our last article most people want to stay independent

Record labels have done a very good job for so many years as you can see from views from stars online. But it's also been proven to happen from companies like ours for a very long time. And time is upon.

Back in 2016 we saw a handful of record labels take quite big losses and after that we thought we'd take our chance. And we had a success.

We've development lot of brands and have great knowledge of the market. GloryGang is just the start of what's to come over the next few years.

We have so much content flowing through our network is crazy! And most of these people see the benefit from working with a service record label rather than a record label.

Marketing is one of our strong points and our marketing campaigns have worked for so many artist's before! Getting your content in front of the right crowd is our mission!

We take it right back basics and build your brand up to the max! SEO is very important and we thrive in a good SEO score on external tools.

Testimonials have a more cleaner and modern feel to them. Found on the distribution page! Not to mention distro+ drops very soon but we wont say to much about that yet!

Anyway sign up for FREE marketing advice on our website and hope you are all well!

GloryGang Records

Media Department

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